
Getting a product into the market place can be problematic and there are many different factors to consider before your concept or design is realized. At Microtech we can help you each step of the way.

We have an in-depth understanding of electronic PCB Design including schematic and layout, Embedded Software, FPGA design, Software and Firmware.

We also offer mechanical design services creating models in either 2D or 3D so you can visualize the construction of your product throughout the design phase and lifecycle of your product.

Electronic Design

Microtech offer a cost effective solution for any kind of electronic design, PCB layout and FPGA development. We assist companies in developing their original ideas and bringing them to market.

We are specialized in designing electronic products for clients of any size. We can provide solutions as simple as a single circuit board design to full product design, including software, mechanics and support throughout the life cycle of the product.

Software & Firmware Development

Microtech offer Software and Firmware development services for Windows, Linux, MAC, and APP development for Android and iOS.

We also develop firmware on several microcontrollers and have extensive experience across a range of vendors: Microchip, Cypress, Intel, Silabs, ST. Our clients are typically the small/medium companies who don’t have the internal resources to design their products in house.

We are very competitive compared with similar companies in the marketplace.

Microtech is an expert in firmware development in different platforms and MCU. We use primarily C and C++ for embedded solution, however from time to time we may also use solution based on script languages like python as well. We can help you in selecting the best MCU solution for your particular application and show the pros and cons of each solution.

  • ARM M0 – M3 -The ARM M0 and M3 are both powerful and low cost solutions and they are well supported from the gcc community and almost any CPU manufacturer offer at least one free development tool based on gcc. Almost any MCU/CPU manufacturer offers an ARM based solution.
  • ARM Based SAM9 -SAMA5 – When more computation power is needed from an ARM (e.g. FPU, or more memory, or a Linux based OS) then solution like SAM9 or a SAMA5 could be excellent solution. very low in power (150mW) and up to 945 DMIPS the SAMA5 is a state of art CPU. SAM9 offer a superb alternative to SAMA5 when the performance needed are not so demanding.
  • Cypress PSoC– Cypress offer PSoC3, PSoC4, PSoC5 solutions. Which offer the advantage to have Analog blocks, digital blocks and a CPU (8051, M0 or M3) all in one small packages. This solution may not be the most cost effective, but it reduces the time-to-market drastically due to the excellent tools provided by Cypress.
  • PIC Family –PIC Family offers low cost, excellent support and a wide choice of peripherals from Microchip.
  • AVR Family – 8 bit Risc solution originally from Microchip but an excellent alternative to PIC. Widely used in the Maker market with the Arduino solution.
  • PicoBlaze, Microblaze, Zynq – Xilinx’s solution for SoC based CPU. The Microblaze, Picoblaze and Zynq are IP based microcontroller that can be instantiated in XIlinx FPGA.
  • 8051 based – Silabs offer one of the most cost effective and energy friendly solution in the market based on the 8051.

PCB Layout

Microtech has the tools and the knowhow to design your PCB, no matter how simple or complex it is. We have experience in designing PCB’s from 2 layers up to 16 layers and have experience in many different markets including, Diagnostics, Telecom, Industrial, Medical, Automations, Consumer, etc.

PCB Design Expert

Microtech has been supplying a professional PCB Design Services to the electronic industry in the UK and Europe for nearly 50 years.

We are experts in:

  • High speed multilayer PCB layout with matched impedance, matched length (single and differential)
  • Cross talk, Signal Integrity and Power Distribution Network (PDN)
  • Power routes on Analog and RF Systems.
  • EMC reduction due to Differential Mode loop and Common Mode loops.
  • PCB Layers definition to minimize differential mode emissions and maximize radiated immunity.
  • Flexi and Semi-Flexi PCB.
  • Low signal Analog signal integrity.
  • In Circuit Test Point (EC with Test Mate)
  • CPU – DDR2 – DDR3 Interface Design.
  • High Density SMD components (BGA, TVLA, PCI, PCIe, etc.)
  • PCB with internal cut out, Panel design.
  • Micro vias, Blind Vias. Vias design with different inner pad size and shape.

Why choose us?

We are flexible and able to assign extra effort for your design when required. We invest only in top edge CAD, e.g. Altium Designer. We have a deep understanding of SI and EMC and we will not disappoint you.

FPGA Development

Microtech can bring your FPGA design to life. Most of our experience is with the Xilinx FPGA, in particular the Spartan and Virtex Series. We have our own VHDL library to accelerate the development time and costs.

Microchip Design Partner

We specialize in designing with Microchip products. Visit the Microchip Technology website for more information by clicking here

The Microchip Design Partner program allow us to be trusted design contractors, not just as hardware engineering but also as software.

APP for Android & iOS

Recently, we have begun to develop APP for Android and iOS phone. For IoT APP for example it is vital that our phone communicates with Embedded electronics. When the app requires specific feature of a particular phone we use the native development system, e.g. Android Studio otherwise we are happy to use alternative like Xamarine or React Native.

If you have any design requirements or are unsure how to get your idea off the ground, please get in contact.

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