Rapid Prototyping

Micro-EXPRESS is our class leading rapid prototyping service we introduced to support our clients when products are required outside of the usual manufacturing production lead time.

Microtech’s ability to efficiently manufacture, assemble and test complete systems simplifies the prototype process and accelerates time to market.

This service still complies with our strict Design for Manufacture (DfM) and New Product Introduction (NPI) processes and is utilises the same equipment as production product it manufactured on. This means the transition from Prototype to Production is seamless and you can be guaranteed your product meets your objective whilst it has been thoroughly checked to ensure it can be manufactured in the most cost effective and expedient way.

Key Benefits

  • Quick turnaround – Your time to market is greatly reduced by using our Micro-EXPRESS service, meaning you can increase revenues sooner and potentially increase your market share.
  • Design for Manufacture (DfM) – We will provide a first time build report to ensure your product is designed to meet its objective and to eliminate any risk in the design and functionality, prior to moving to volume production.
  • Save costs – It allows functionality testing to test the objectives of the concept and to finalise the product specification prior to investing money in full production.


Often timescales are driven by market needs, exhibition dates or stakeholder deadlines. The gating factor is often the lead time for components, so we can help specify components we already hold in stock to minimise the time to procure and delivery of components. However, we are happy to be challenged to meet your timescales, even if they do seem unrealistic. Give us a try and we will work with you to find a mutually agreeable timescale that works for you.

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