At Microtech we have helped hundreds of clients with their test requirement over the years. We are happy to work to a client’s Test Specification or are equally happy to help them develop a Test strategy. Our engineers will ensure your assemblies are manufactured and tested to the highest standard and operate to your specification.

Some of our Test and Inspection services include;

  • Functional Testing
  • ICT (In Circuit Test)
  • In Circuit Programming
  • Electrical Safety Test (HiPot Testing)
  • Burn-In (Temperature Soak)
  • 3D AOI/X (Automated Optical Inspection)
  • TAGARNO HD Digital Microscope
  • Solder Paste Inspection
  • MDA (Manufacturing Defect Analysis)

Functional Testing of Digital and Analogue PCB Assemblies

PCB assembly testing methods are an integral part of the manufacturing process and gone are the days where testing PCB assemblies was purely to check for errors in the manufacturing process. With assemblies having more and more complex and intelligent components, you do need to check for manufacturing or component errors, but you also need to verify the assembly is working as it should and that is why we are seeing more and more clients asking us to perform functional testing on their products.

Functional testing simulates the application in its end use and ensures each application output works as per the requirements. Tests are performed utilising our own state of the art equipment or using client supplied equipment, which is becoming more common.

The logging of each assembly’s bar-code at this stage captures any error trends and allows identification of problematic parts or areas of the design that can be improved. It also provides full traceability back to operator and component level in case of any problems in future.

Benefits of Functional Testing

  • Software functional testing fully simulates actual system usage
  • Saves money by fixing bugs earlier in the software lifecycle
  • Captures assembly manufacturing defects or defective components
  • Traceability back to operator and component level
  • Provides assurance when you receive your board it is fully functioning as it was intended

In Circuit Programming

In Circuit Programming is a technique where a programmable device is programmed after the device is placed on a printed circuit board. It is now the preferred downloading method allowing programming and final debugging in the hardware prior to Functional Test.

HiPot Safety Testing (Electrical Safety Flash Testing)

HiPot testing has long been a standard procedure for assuring the electrical safety compliance of electronic equipment and is a direct application of a high voltage to a unit under test. The test voltage is usually much higher than the usual operating voltage in order to stress the dielectric properties of the device under test. The test will check leakage current is within the test parameters and the assembly is safe.

Fault Finding to Component Level

Should your assembly fail in the field and require fault finding, we have a full suite of scopes, meters. Tools and Equipment which allows us to fault find down to component level.

We will collect and analyse failure data, locate the fault, determine and remove the cause, rectify the fault, inspect and re-test. We will also provide a report identifying the root cause and what preventative action is required.

AOI Inspection

Automated Optical Inspection is an automated visual inspection of printed circuit board assembly where a camera autonomously scans the assembled components to ensure the board is manufactured correctly.

The AOI process will check for, lifted leads, missing and misaligned components, open circuits, solder bridges, solder shorts, insufficient and excess solder etc.

Every PCB Assembly that has gone through our SMT machines is subjected to an AOI test so you can be sure each board has been 100% verified prior to moving onto the next operation.

The AOI process will check for, lifted leads, missing and misaligned components, open circuits, solder bridges, solder shorts, insufficient and excess solder and correct values and polarity.

IPC Inspection

At Microtech Electronics all of our products are inspected to IPC-A-610 standards.

IPC-J-STD-001H is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and at Microtech all of our operators are trained to this IPC-A-610 Class 3, which is the highest class and typically used in Aerospace, Automotive, Medical and Defence industries.

We also have IPC trainers on site who are continually looking how to improve process parameters and product quality. They are also fundamental to our Continuous Improvement and Lean Manufacturing methodology.

At Microtech we pride ourselves on our Product Quality so whatever your Test requirements are, please get in contact so we can discuss your product and how it can be manufactured and shipped to the highest standards.

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