Our System

One of the things that sets us apart from our competition is our In-House Bespoke IT systems.


  • Facilitates a “paperless” shop floor
  • Provides robust issue control of customer’s data
  • Provides clear instructions to and feedback from operators
  • Monitors operator performance and process accuracy for analysis
  • Document Control
  • Instructions and Process Documentation
  • Bar Code monitoring of: – (time/process/quality)
  • A conduit for Queries & Feedback
  • Workmanship standards
  • Management of Returns
  • Material Control – “e-cards” & “Stock”
  • Efficient Purchasing and stock Control
  • Full traceability back to supplier and delivery note.


  • Maintains a database of customer Quotes, Costs, Orders and Deliveries.
  • Controlled record of data, drawings, bill of materials & Issue level, communication, costs & pricing etc
  • From receipt of P/O, Target provides us with the tools to accurately perform tracking, document & change control, throughout the NPI & manufacturing phases
  • Facilitates the planning of works orders and capacity planning
  • Works order traceability
  • Cost analysis
  • Reporting generator
  • Access to secure “Client Portal”


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